Brain Wave Games in Virtual Reality
Brain wave animated virtual reality gaming worlds, designed to quiet the mind from the stresses of our internal and external realities, will stimulate low frequency brain waves—potentially increasing coherence in brain activity between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Providing a VR gaming experience that requires coherent, low frequency alpha and theta neural activity to achieve game goals—restores neural plasticity by increasing coherence between the hemispheres of the brain—thus alleviating abnormalities in brain wave activity as analyzed by electroencephalography (EEG).
Personalized Treatment
Neurofeedback media technology—combined with a virtual reality gaming experience—ushers in new methodologies for rehabilitation and therapeutic treatment. Just as individualized medicine today is proving to be effective for cancer treatment, individualized, experiential neurofeedback media therapy in VR is an emerging technology, which can be used for rehabilitation. Neurofeedback media technology guides us toward a new paradigm for understanding energy healing, which has the potential to move healthcare a step forward in personalized treatment.
The Virtue of Practice
Continued practice in a brain wave gaming environment, designed to stimulate low frequency neural activity allows one to achieve greater performance levels by willfully altering dominant brain wave activity to lower frequencies, such as alpha or theta. Learning begins to occur in an effortless manner by analyzing the personal behaviors that produce low frequency brain wave control of multimedia digital objects. While experiencing predominantly theta brainwaves, one realizes an increased ability to problem solve; thus, one quickly learns the advantages of existing in a clear, heightened perceptual state of mind.
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